Dissertation englisch
Stand: 02.06.2004

Editing Economic History: A Study and Electronic-Genetic Edition of Ezra Pound`s The Fifth Decad of Cantos 

Editing Economic History is the first comprehensive study and scholarly edition of Ezra Pound's cycle of poems The Fifth Decad of Cantos (published 1937). My thesis comprises a monograph that analyzes the historical background, genetic development, and editorial dimension of Pound's work, plus a CD-ROM containing the electronic genetic edition of Pound's manuscript and typescript materials, as related to The Fifth Decad of Cantos.

My study seeks to encompass the whole context of textual genesis, biography, and mental history by which The Fifth Decad of Cantos is defined. This includes the analysis of Pound's working methods, his mental background, and his theories concerning some subjects that play a crucial role in The Fifth Decad of Cantos: economics, politics, religion, and predjudice. At the same time, editing the Pound papers requires the development of a critical, methodological framework and editorial principles that allow us to analyze the autographs, to edit and finally interpret them.

The basic contents of my thesis result from those requirements, being divided into work-centered and editorial chapters. After a methodological introduction and terminological definitions of central textual/editorial terms (part I), my thesis deals with Pound's working methods and the genesis of the work as a foundation for the interpretation of the poems (part II). Third, The Fifth Decad of Cantos is placed in its historical-intellectual context (part III). Finally, the editorial assumptions on which my edition is based are explained (part IV).

Current Projects
(Stand: 02.06.2004)

Norman Mailer's JFK: Myth, Manipulation, History

Myth and Anti-Myth in Modern American Literature

The Idea of Individuality and the Novel



  • "Reading the distorted text of history: Irische Geschichte als Sprachgeschichte im Werk von John Montague und Tom Paulin", in: Christiane Henkes / Walter Hettche / Elke Senne (eds.), Schrift - Text - Edition, Tübingen 2003, pp. 285-293.
  • "Checks and Balances: Functions of Mysticism in T. S. Eliot's Prose", in: ZAA - Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik 51.2 (2003), pp. 107-116 [coming soon].
  • Revision and Ideology in Ezra Pound's Cantos", in: Sabine Coelsch-Foisner / Wolfgang Görtschacher (eds.), The Author as Reader, Vienna 2004 [in preparation].

Dictionary Entries and Reviews

  • "Hartmann Schedels Liber Chronicarum", in: Karl V. - Macht und Ohnmacht in Europa, Ausstellungskatalog der Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Bonn 2000, p. 173.
  • "Martin Luther, Vom Kriege wider die Türken", in: Karl V. - Macht und Ohnmacht in Europa, Ausstellungskatalog der Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Bonn 2000, p. 195.
  • # Several articles in: Rudolf Vierhaus / Ludolf Herbst (eds.), Biographisches Handbuch der Mitglieder des Deutschen Bundestages 1949-2001, 3 Bde., Munich 2002; e.g.: Joachim Gauck (Vol. I, pp. 244f.); Peter Glotz (Vol. I, pp. 265f.); Friedrich Merz (Vol. I, p. 559); Franz Müntefering (Vol. I, p. 590); Horst Seehofer (Vol. II, pp. 809f.); Peter Struck (Vol. II, pp. 859f.); Klaus Töpfer (Vol. II, pp. 882f.); Jürgen Trittin (Vol. II, p. 884.)
  • "Autor - Autorisation - Authentizität", in: Zeitschrift für Deutsche Philologie 122.1 (2003), pp. 147-150; with H. Saller.
  • "Frederic Raphael", in: Cheryl Malcolm / David Malcolm (eds.), Dictionary of Literary Biography: British and Irish Short Fiction, 1945-2000, Columbia 2004 [in preparation].
  • "Tom Wolfe", in: William T. Lawlor (ed.), Encyclopedia of Beat Culture, Santa Barbara 2004 [in preparation].
  • "Hubert Selby", in: William T. Lawlor (ed.), Encyclopedia of Beat Culture, Santa Barbara 2004 [in preparation].


  • Kampmann, Christoph, "Emancipation and Violence: On the Interpretation of Anti-Jewish Riots in the German Vormärz", in: R. Bonney / F. Bosbach / Th. Brockmann (eds.), Religion and Politics in Britain and Germany, Munich 2001, p. 63-82.
  • James, Harold, "Die Rundschreiben der Wirtschaftsgruppe Privates Bankgewerbe als Quelle zur Geschichte des nationalsozialistischen Deutschlands", Vorwort zu: Rundschreiben der Wirtschaftsgruppe Privates Bankgewerbe 1934-1945, Munich 2001.

Mike W. Malm